Emily Foster

Emily Foster
Yoga Instructor

Emily Foster

As a native of Scottsville, KY, I enjoy practicing and teaching yoga along with my career as an insurance agent for Lawton in Bowling Green. I was first introduced to yoga while growing up playing softball after I was told by doctors that I would have to give up my dream due to extreme scoliosis, requiring the need to have rods placed in my back. Wanting to explore other options, I thankfully found a different path...yoga.  Practicing yoga not only kept my back rod free, but it also allowed me to continue playing ball, including all four years of college, providing me an opportunity live out my dream.  As a result, I still practice whenever I can and have taught at several gyms/health clubs.  It isn't just the physical benefits from yoga that I appreciate but the mental and spiritual ones as well.  Yoga forces us to slow down and look at our inner beings, all the while working our external body. I am excited to be teaching again and hope that you will join me to reap the multiple benefits of yoga too.

For more information about the services we offer, please contact our office at (270) 943-7818!

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10:00 am-7:30 pm


10:00 am-7:30 pm


10:00 am-7:30 pm


10:00 am-7:30 pm


10:00 am-7:30 pm


8:00 am-11:00 am


4:00 pm-7:00 pm